Shepherd’s Purse



The whole plant is used in in teas, and can be used in combination with other medicinal plants, as the flavor of the Shepherd’s Purse might be bitter to most.

An adaptogen of the plant family Cruciferae, the Shepherds purse is native to northern Europe and the grasslands of southern Russia.

The Shepard’s Purse is used to treat problems with the musculatory and circulatory systems, and it contains a haemostatic agent that regulates the flow of bleeding in the body. In the folk medicine of Germany, it is renowned for its ability to treat persistent internal bleeding and damage to the liver and stomach.

More about traditional usage at “A Modern Herbal” by Mrs. M. Grieve, and more about medicinal uses at

Caution: Not recommended for pregnant women, nor in high dosage for extended periods of time.


The whole plant is used in in teas, and can be used in combination with other medicinal plants, as the flavor of the Shepherd’s Purse might be bitter to most.

An adaptogen of the plant family Cruciferae, the Shepherds purse is native to northern Europe and the grasslands of southern Russia.

The Shepard’s Purse is used to treat problems with the musculatory and circulatory systems, and it contains a haemostatic agent that regulates the flow of bleeding in the body. In the folk medicine of Germany, it is renowned for its ability to treat persistent internal bleeding and damage to the liver and stomach.

More about traditional usage at “A Modern Herbal” by Mrs. M. Grieve, and more about medicinal uses at

Caution: Not recommended for pregnant women, nor in high dosage for extended periods of time.